
The Rise of Sustainable Media

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Sustainability discussions have evolved from niche concerns to central boardroom dialogues, influencing corporate strategy. With the growing emphasis on the climate crisis, inaction now threatens both our environment and business reputations. Pivotal events like the 2021 IPCC report and Glasgow's COP26 have accentuated this urgency, prompting an examination of the media and advertising industry's role in climate change.

A global survey of 24,000 individuals across 19 countries sought to understand perceptions of sustainable media advertising. The study illuminated diverse interpretations of 'sustainable media', with a focus on environmentally-friendly media delivery. Key findings emphasise the need for businesses to balance their media's carbon footprint with its "brainprint".

The research underscores the growing emphasis on 'responsibility' in business, with 86% of participants concerned about climate change. This heightened awareness compels businesses to demonstrate their environmental commitment. The report suggests the imminent need for standardised carbon metrics in media advertising, necessitating collaborative action.