
The Continued Rise of the In-House Agency: 2023 Edition

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The prominence of in-house agencies has surged, with 82% of ANA members having one in 2023, a leap from 78% in 2018. The data hints at saturation around 85-90% in the foreseeable future. Notably, 2023's findings mirror those of 2018, demonstrating consistent advantages, services, and the interplay between in-house and external agencies.

Metrics for assessing in-house agencies are shifting. Business performance as a KPI jumped from 45% in 2018 to 59% in 2023. Additionally, the accent on owning first-party data, given the wane of third-party cookies, underlines a strategic approach to data, particularly in sectors like finance and healthcare.

While in-house agencies gain traction, 92% of respondents collaborate with external agencies. The dynamics have evolved, with 65% transitioning some tasks in-house. Despite the ascent of in-house agencies, talent is paramount, with the pandemic altering remote work, widening access but intensifying competition.