
Tackling Responsible Media

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Navigating the complex media landscape, Ebiquity has launched a pivotal guide on mastering responsible media investments, responding to the surge in market demands for corporate ESG adherence. Progressive advertisers are embedding these responsible strategies into their campaigns.

Introducing Ebiquity's 'Responsible Media Investment' solution, it presents transparent ESG reporting spanning Diversity & Inclusion, Disinformation, Privacy & Data Protection, and Made for Advertising sectors. This tool assists advertisers in delineating benchmarks, refining their media mix by comprehending partner behaviours, shielding brand reputation, and gauging their media's contribution to ESG objectives.

Among the revealing insights, 89% of marketers value collaboration with diverse advertising suppliers. Alarmingly, over $1M was allocated to adverts on disinformation-heavy 'Worst Offender' sites. Moreover, an unexpected 32.2% of 3rd Party Marketing Cookies activated without user consent, underscoring the urgency of ethical media practices.