
Procurement 2022: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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Since 2010, progress in marketing procurement has been modest. Notably, the bond between marketing and procurement has enhanced: 57% of procurement and 59% of marketers deem their relationship as robust. Moreover, marketers increasingly view procurement as key, focusing on growth and impact rather than just cost-cutting, and recognising marketing as an investment to nurture.

However, tensions are evident between procurement and agencies. A mere 15% of agencies see their relationship with procurement as healthy, compared to procurement's optimistic 54% viewpoint. Agencies believe procurement emphasises cost, whereas 49% of procurement professionals feel confident in their marketing knowledge; a sentiment not shared by any agency respondent.

The relative infancy of marketing procurement, with many departments younger than 12 years, might explain these challenges. For improvement, marketing procurement must understand its role as an enabler. Ten recommendations are presented, highlighting goal alignment, early involvement, and the need for mutual education.