
Modern Marketing Dilemmas

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Kantar's guide addresses modern marketing challenges, emphasising the power of a brand's intangible perceptions. These perceptions not only influence consumer choices but also bring tangible value to shareholders. Using a combination of empirical research and neuroscience, Kantar offers actionable insights, advocating for brands to be "meaningfully different" to safeguard their market position.

Over the past 20 years, Kantar has highlighted the importance of brand equity, defining it as the extra allure a brand possesses beyond its basic offerings. A high brand equity allows brands to command premium prices, fend off competition, and attract a broad range of stakeholders. This strength stems from the convergence of functional benefits and emotional brand attachments.

Despite the industry's yearning for definitive marketing strategies, conflicting data often causes confusion. Kantar recommends a balanced approach, suggesting that brands shouldn't be forced into choosing between contrasting strategies. Effective solutions often lie in embracing both perspectives harmoniously.