WPP (GroupM)

Finding the Gen X Factor

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Wavemaker's new research highlights the untapped potential of Gen X in social media marketing. Although Gen X makes up 28% of TikTok users, they receive only 5% of brand influencer spending. The study finds 92% of Gen X use social media daily, yet only 13% feel represented in ads. Poised to inherit $70tn from Boomers, this demographic is entering its financial peak.

Contrary to industry beliefs, Gen X engages differently with social platforms compared to Gen Z. Overlooking this affluent group, responsible for 27% of global spending, is bad for business. The research calls for an end to age-based stereotypes in targeting social media users.

The report serves as a wakeup call for marketers, offering practical advice on crafting effective Gen X-centric social media strategies. It emphasizes the need for better representation and engagement to tap into this financially lucrative group.