
Does Forbes operate made for advertising pages and transact mis-declared ad inventory?

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Forbes operates a subdomain, "", distinct from its main site, displaying over 201 ad impressions per page view, and identified as "Made for Advertising" (MFA). This subdomain predominantly gains traffic via paid ads, and its audience demographics differ notably from the main site. Unlike "", the www3 subdomain is not indexed by search engines, implying an intentional concealment, and lacks typical ad verification measures.

This subdomain, hidden from direct access and search engines, redirects users to the main Forbes site, suggesting an effort to mask its presence. Despite Forbes' reputation, the www3 version offers an ad-heavy, low-quality user experience not aligned with the publisher’s standard offerings.

The www3 Forbes subdomain's practices, including potential domain spoofing and the non-enforcement of ad policies by SSPs, raise significant transparency and integrity concerns in digital advertising. Many brands inadvertently have ads served on this MFA subdomain, highlighting a broader issue of deceptive advertising practices in the industry.