
Did Google mislead advertisers about TrueView skippable in-stream ads for the past three years?

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The report reveals inconsistencies in Google's TrueView skippable in-stream video ads' delivery. Major advertisers, including Fortune 500 firms and the US federal government, may have been misled into investing heavily in out-stream ads on third-party platforms instead of the intended Google platforms.

TrueView pledges to charge only for genuine viewer engagement. However, the data indicates many ads autoplayed, often silently, without viewer choice. Alarmingly, a notable portion of advertisers' TrueView budget was spent on sites and apps outside YouTube through the Google Video Partner network.

Further findings show ads served on potential piracy sites and to bots. Additionally, ads appeared on platforms connected to US Treasury OFAC sanctioned nations. These discoveries raise concerns about Google's oversight and ad transparency. Describing the revelations, Ebiquity labeled them as possible "structural misrepresentation" and potentially even "fraudulent misleading practices" on Google's part.