Contagious, The Observatory International
August 1, 2022

Clients and Creativity

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A new WFA study reveals a disparity among client-side marketers regarding the significance of creativity. Whilst 82% identify creativity as pivotal in marketing, a mere 28% view it as essential for their business. Interestingly, those valuing creativity were more likely to report growth (33%).

The research, done in conjunction with Contagious and The Observatory International, gathered insights from 640 senior marketers. Main barriers to maximising creativity were identified as a risk-averse culture (51%), a short-term focus (48%), numerous decision-makers (44%), and budget cuts (40%). Talent scarcity was surprisingly not a major concern, with only 29% considering it an obstacle.

To enhance creative performance, the study suggests refined briefings, embracing discomfort, and prioritising long-term brand values. Collaboration with agencies and aligning on shared goals also emerged as vital. Industry leaders emphasise the importance of recognising creativity as a key growth driver.